Tuesday 3 May 2016

TV news sometimes seems more like a show. They want a bigger audience so they show shocking or provocative images. TV news should report the news, not try to shock people."

I agree with second statements because TV news and c criminal shows should not  perform or make any program in regards to violence that including  chocking images or videos.
The reason for that is people can be motivated by violence and the society may tend to confronting with criminal activity such as terrorism, dealing drugs or killing people .On the other hand it is not good for kids who are foundation of future peaceful society.

  • children might be badly affected
  • people might be scared and feel scared
  • some health issue can occurred
  • can make people  angry 

. "The public has a right to know what's happening. I think they should not cut out anything. People are mature enough to take in the reality of what happens in the world every day".

  • On the other hand people need to know the reality
  • they can protect themselves properly
  • people have to right to know
  • people can be ignorent

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